champions place news

june 2024

titans meet paralympic gold medalist on champions community connect!

Champions Community Connect Participants on video chat

What some might have viewed as a tragedy, Hollonbeck viewed as an opportunity. After an accident that left him paralyzed at only 14 years old, Scot eventually decided to pursue wheelchair racing, with an end goal of one day participating in the Paralympics. As you may know, Scot’s dreams came true resulting in his winning 2 gold and 3 silver medals!  He now shares his story with others, using his experiences to inspire and uplift those who may be struggling.

Scot Hollonbeck Paralympian

Scott Hollonbeck Paralympian Competing

Photo by Chris Hamlton -

As our Titans listened to Scot’s story, they were visibly moved by his palpable joy.  His inspiring testament of pursuing your dreams no matter what and his genuine gratitude for life – despite not always being easy, deeply resonated with all the attendees.  As you might have guessed, Scot was equally moved by his engagement with our special Titan family.

Champions Community Connect (C3) provides these special physically challenged young adults the opportunity to be with friends 6 evenings every week!  The impact?  Sometimes being together addresses loneliness and isolation, sometimes it gives Mom and Dad a break, and sometimes it encourages these special young adults to expand their horizons.  After the call with Scot, it's been heartening to witness a few of the Titans reflecting on their own lifelong aspirations...

I want to get married and start a family!
— Matthew Dooley
I want to be a comedian.
— Ryan Carroll
I want to become a news reporter or journalist.
— Josh Cusick
I want to become a weatherman, on the same news channel as Josh.
— Matt Thompson
I would like to work towards getting back some physical movement and independence.
— Tim Beighley
I want to become a certified paraprofessional and work with special needs students.
— Sarah Grace
I want to be liked and loved by others. I want to work on all of my relationships and I believe C3 is helping me to do that.
— Sophia Smith

Thank you for supporting Champions Community Foundation. 
Because of you, Champions Community Connect is making a big impact!