champions place news

November 2022

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – when hearts turn toward reflection and gratitude over the year behind us and the hope of the new year to come. As we gather with family and friends, we remember all the blessings and celebrations of the year. For all of us at Champions Community Foundation, YOU are our most tremendous blessings.


Through hundreds of volunteer hours and countless meals, you have served our Titan and Champions Place community with overwhelming love and compassion. Through your financial support, you have allowed us to expand and serve even more young people in bigger and more impactful ways.

Our Titans Wheelchair Sports program welcomed many new Titans to our community and was host to over 30 scrimmages and social events – 30 opportunities to turn isolation and loneliness into community and friendships.

Our Champions Place residents were provided with affordable rent, food and staff oversight.  As individuals with very modest fixed incomes, this allowed our residents to fully embrace their life of independence and relieved financial strain.

The Champions Place @ Home program will now be fully launched to our Titan community. This will afford our Titans at home a new level of self-reliance - not having to ask their parents for help with turning on lights, playing music, watching TV, calling friends and family, seeing who rang the doorbell, adjusting room temperature and more.

We try to say Thank You regularly. But we’ll say it again – Thank you! Thank you for changing lives and walking alongside our board, staff, caregivers and volunteers.

Thank you for being OUR Champion!