
Special Meal Event

Thank you for offering to prepare a special meal for the residents at Champions Place. Please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Champions Place is not open to visitors or guests, so it will be VERY IMPORTANT that you follow all COVID guidelines for interactions with the residents, staff, and caregivers.

    • You will undergo a COVID screening when you arrive (temperature check, survey)

    • Please wear a mask/face shield at all times, except when eating

    • Use hand sanitizer often

    • Maintain social distancing of 6’ especially when eating

  • Please bring a fresh and healthy meal to include an animal or plant-based protein, at least a full serving of vegetables and a starch — to serve 25 people

  • Please bring all the ingredients you will need to prepare dinner

  • Dinner is planned for 6pm. Please plan to set up and clean up between 5pm - 8pm

  • Champions Place is well-stocked with dishes, glasses, silverware, etc. — you may bring paper napkins if you wish, but please do not bring paper dishes or cups

  • The main kitchen at Champions Place is also well-stocked with non-stick pots and pans, bake ware, serve ware, crock pots, soup pots, insta-pots, etc. - please ask if you need to know specifics

  • Champions Place has a gas grill with rotisserie and a charcoal grill. It is also well-stocked with grilling utensils, hot mitts, grilling trays, etc. - please ask if you need to know specifics

  • If you wish, we have black 8’ tables and black chairs you can set up outside. Feel free to bring table clothes or table decorations if you wish

  • Please be aware of our food allergies:

    • One resident is allergic to strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and pine nuts

    • One resident is dairy-free and allergic to fish (shellfish is OK)

  • Please bring drinks (lemonade, iced tea, or milk) — dessert is optional


Please check the Google Calendar before planning your meal to ensure your meal does not duplicate another meal already planned around that time frame. 


Please fill out the information below and select a date. Someone will contact you soon to confirm.